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[Cisco] SF-302-08 Switch Configuration


SF 302-08 is Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch from Cisco.

SF 302-08 스위치는 Cisco 사의 Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch 이다.

It is combination L2 / L3 combination switch and is diffrent Firmware from Cisco Catalyst series, so command is also diffrent.

L2 / L3 겸용으로 Cisco Catalyst 시리즈와 Firmware 가 다르기 때문에 Command 가 일부 다르다.

❏ Connect Device

1. Serial Port 

* You can connect it with the cable included  (동봉되어 있는 케이블로 연결 가능)

* Baud Rate : 115200

* ID / PW : cisco / cisco

2. 웹 설정

* There is a Bonjour VLAN ( ),

  기본적으로 Bonjour VLAN ( ) 이 존재한다. 

* Switch IP :

* ID / PW : cisco / cisco

❏ Network Configuration

1. VLAN Configuration

* Add VLAN

* Delete VLAN

2. Interface Configuration (this is diffrent point from Catalyst series)

* Set trunk mode and add allowed vlan

* Delete allowed vlan

* Set access mode and set vlan

* Change access mode from trunk mode

▶︎ If there are allowed vlans on trunk mode, first remove all of allowed vlan, and can change access mode.

▶︎ 만약 Trunk 모드에서 Allowed Vlan 설정되어 있다면, 등록되어 있는 모든 Allowed Vlan 삭제 후 Access 모드로 변경이 가능하다
